Increase your Goodwill and Personality.                                                                                             The World of Peace And Meditation.    

1.Preparation of the painting surface:

First a piece of canvas cotton material is obtained and stretched out on a wooden frame. A mixture of buffalo glue(Newa Saresh) and white clay       (Newa Sapeta ) is evenly applied to the cotton surface. The cotton is dry, a portion of it is slightly moistened. This is done in order to distribute the mixture the mixture uniformly over the cotton gauge. Then the surface is rubbed with a smooth alluvial stone , which absorbs moisture. While rubbing, the frame should be supported from behind by a smooth wooden board. The proves continues until the surface is ready to use for painting.

2.Steps in the painting:

 Line Drawing :

To begin with, if the artist is conversant with iconography of the deity, some line sketches of the deity are made on the cotton surface. In ancient Thanka painting, the artist drew figures according to econometric principles or angul measures. Every novice artist traced his master’s drawing.

            An artist should have great mastery over the drawing process; he should have a through understanding of econometric principles and the philosophy behind his subject matter. The execution of the drawing requires profound vigilance and patience. After all,. The art of Thanka painting is itself a form of meditation.

            Today, master artist also draw freehand sketches straight onto the surface. As novice artist, however, makes a copy of sketches prepared by the master artist and traces it on the canvas.


            In tantric Buddhist tradition, color has profound spiritual significance. The sadhaka gives expressions to his psychic expressions to his psychic experience through the symbolism of color. The five basic colors-namely white, blue, yellow, red, and green have different religious meanings. Black symbolizes killing and anger, white denotes rest and repose, yellow stands for restraint and nourishment, red is indicative of subjugationm and green symbolizes exorcism.

            In traditional Thanka paintings, only the primary colors are used: red, blue, yellow, black and white . in addition, indigo blue and crimson Lac are two supplementary colors which enhance the effect of graduation. Buffalo glue (newa Saresh ) is the medium of all opaque colors. From these primary colors one can make any colors on chooses.

Shape Lining:

            Shape lining is an important step in the process of Thanka painting. Each object depicted in the Thanka requires precise outlining, The skilled artist may be recognized by his mastery of outlining detains, which should remain harmonious throughout the painting. Harmonious outlining is at the heart of Thanka painting skill. The princess if outlining shapes takes place during the initial coat, when fundamental colors are laid down. Principal designs, such as background elements, toranas, ornamentation, clothing, lotuses, thrones and so forth are filled in during this shape lining process.


            Master artists use a special shading technique called ‘web and dry shading’. Dry shading is executed with only one brush, thereby producing a graduation with dark colors. The purpose of this shading technique is to introduce gradation by applying dark colors like crimsons lac over light colors such as red, orange, yellow and white. White indigo is used to add highlights over a green or blue base. The technique is mostly used to give a solid, three dimensional effects to objects.

            Generally the background of the painting is shaded first and then the artist proceeds to shade the central objects. One of the feature of master art is that an artist often spends several months and even years for a major painting.


            There are both simple and elaborate methods for rendering gold Ornaments. Especially large ornaments are painted first with yellow ochre as a primary coat. Gold is then painted flat on the yellow ochre and lining is executed on top of the gold, giving rise to various shapes and designs. Following this, the artist uses different colors to designs. Following this, the artist uses different colors to simulate the effects of stones or jewels, as required. With the exception of these Ornamaent, gold is the last pigment to be laid down over certain areas of the Thanka, e. g . clothing, lotuses, toranas and other decorative patterns. In these cases, the artist can use various designs as he desires. The use of gold in painting stems form the patton’s wish to make a pious offering. Offering gold brings forth tremendous merit, depending upon the attitude and motivation of the sponsor .


            After completing the facial features, finally the eyes of the deities are painted. When the painting is finished, there remains the final task of consecration (pratistha of the painting )which is performed by a Tibetan Rinpoche. During consecration, the Rinpoche sits in meditation, recites mantras and performs rituals, invokes the deity concerned, etc.

The Life History of Buddha:      

Many years ago there was a king whose name was Shuddhodhan. He was the king of Kapilvastu, Lumbini. The Queen of Lumbini was Mayadevi. The king and Queen had been childless for sometime and were very sad about it. One night Queen Mayadevi dreamed of a white elephant. Actually the white elephant was the Buddha himself. In the form of this whit elephant, the Buddha entered her womb. Then she became pregnant.

            One day the Queen set out to visit her parents. One the way she take rest in the loveoy garden of Lumbini. Then she gave birth, to the Buddha. Immediately after his birth, he walked seven steps forward. In the sky appeared gods and goddesses full of happiness because of his birth. On the seven day fo his birth, his mother died. He was then looked after by his stepmother.

            Since he was born as a prince, his father taught him many skills such as horseback riding, sword play, archery and swimming. The Buddha had a very king nature; he always thought very seriously and deeply and was never attracted to anuthing material or wordly. However, the king wanted  to see his son become a great and powerful king better even then himself. So to keep him happy, the Buddha became married to beautiful Princes Yasodhara who gave birth to Rahul. All these delights did not make him happy.

            One day he wished to leave the confines of the palace and out into the world. Travelling in the country he saw an old man. He asked his friend about him because he had never seen man that old. It was then he realized that old never seen man that old age was inevitable and that he, too would be old some day. This understanding made him very sad. While traveling he also saw many who were sick and some who had died. Then he met a monk and learned that the monk was in search of enlightenment. He, too, wanted to find enlightenment and the cause of suffering

             He went far from country, Practiced meditation, and learned many things   from many teachers. But still he had not found the knowledge he sought and he had tried many forms of meditation. After six years of meditation, he had become very very weak- seemed to be only skin and bones. From this he learned he had to follow the middle path because he realized that what he needed to do would take energy, he began eating again. Finally he achieved enlightenment or Buddhahood.

            After achieving enlightenment, he travelled to many places, preachingto the people. One day he attained parinirvana left this world, and went back to heaven.

The wheel of life:

            The Wheel of life detailed representation of basic Buddhist belief  i.e. the tranmigratory existence. It explains in a most lucid manner the theory of rebirth . The from in which a being is reborn into the Universe depends upon his uearlings, prayers and treh amount of merit and demerit (Karma )he has stored up in his past life. This suffering of rebirth affects the whole living universe .

            The wheel is held in the embrace of shenje, ruler of the Dead, showingthat all beings must eventually meet Death. Shenje, who is again represented in the sphere of Hell is a ferocious god with fangs. He is said to symbolize the fearfulness of death and the hideousness of clinging to life.

            Outside the wheel is a figure of the Lors Buddha, who is free from the moral and mental obstruction which can prevent all living beings from achieving Enlightenment. His presence outside the wheel implies his escape from the cycle of life.

            The Axlw athe first Noble Truth in Buddhist belief holds that “Suffering exists" the purpose of Mahayana Buddhist teachings is to relieve all lining veings from suffering to achive this end. We must be aware of  the three evils, Which cause our sufferings I.e.ignorance. Lust and Hatred. These three great vices, whiche rule the Universe and Keep it in cintiouous revolution are symbolized by the Pig (ignorance), the Cock (Lust )and the anake (hatred )by abstaining from these thr vices, we may further our progress on the path to Nirvana.

            The outer axle shows the manifestation of a white bright heaven and dark black hell.

            The spokes: The spokes of the wheel divide out Universe into six sensual realms: Gods Demigods or titans/Human begin, Animals yidags or Ghosts, and Hells, Meritorious Karma causes begins to take revirth in the realms or gods demigods and men, De meritorious Karmas causes rebirth in the lower tealms of animals yidags and hells. Nevertheless, the beigns of the six realms cannot escape the suffering of the universe; in each of the reams, suffering exists. Also in each realm, The compassion of Lord Buddha is al pervading. This compassion; rising from every direction, helps all beings towards the path to enlightenment and release from the suffering of the universe.


Mandala (Literally meaning a circle )is a Tantric meditation device. All mandalas are visual supports of concentration and meditation, ritual aids on the path towards the enlightenment. The Dalai Lama explains that the image of the mandala is said to  extremely profound because meditation on it serves as an antidote, quickly eradicating the obstruction to liberation and obstruction to omniscience as well as the latent predispositions. The Mandala is the graphic but practical as and operational scheme involving a clear plan for practical realization of the process within oneself. It thus become and instrument (Yantra). There are many types and varieties of mandalas depending on the nature of the central deity. The most classic pattern of mandala are of the Dhuani Buddha. This pattern appears in the oldest tantrics. The mandala represents “palce of purity” a magic sphere cleansed of spiritual obstacles and impurities. The square of the “sacred palace” is enclosed in multiple circles of flame, vajra, eigh cemeteries (appears only in wrathful deities ) lotus, then the inner square to reach of the deity  of the Mandala.



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